Connecting to Keysight 3478A by HP in Python
Instrument Card
The HP 3478A 5.5 digit DMM with HP-IB interface
Device Specification: here
Manufacturer card: HP
Keysight Technologies, or Keysight, is an American company that manufactures electronics test and measurement equipment and software
- Headquarters: USA
- Yearly Revenue (millions, USD): 5420
- Vendor Website: here
Demo: Record voltage over time with an Agilent 34401A multimeter
Connect to the Keysight 3478A in Python
Read our guide for turning Python scripts into Flojoy nodes.
Here is a Python script that uses Pymeasure to connect to a Keysight 3478A Multimeter:
from pymeasure.adapters import VISAAdapterfrom pymeasure.instruments.hp.hp3478a import HP3478A
# Create a VISA adapter for communicationadapter = VISAAdapter("GPIB0::22::INSTR")
# Create an instance of the HP3478A instrumentmultimeter = HP3478A(adapter)
# Connect to the
# Perform measurementsvoltage = multimeter.measure_DCV()current = multimeter.measure_DCI()resistance = multimeter.measure_R2W()
# Print the measurement resultsprint("Voltage: ", voltage)print("Current: ", current)print("Resistance: ", resistance)
# Close the connection to the instrumentmultimeter.close()
This script creates a VISA adapter using the GPIB address of the instrument. Then, it creates an instance of the HP3478A instrument using the adapter. The script opens the connection to the instrument, performs measurements of DC voltage, DC current, and resistance, and prints the measurement results. Finally, it closes the connection to the instrument.